Lifestyle: Risks & Prevention

Lifestyle: Risks & Prevention

Fatty Liver Disease
Causes of Fatty Liver Disease and Preventative Strategies

Fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly pervasive in the U.S.- approximately 25% of the population is affected by the disease. Fatty liver disease occurs when fat builds up in liver cells beyond normal levels. While in some cases excessive alcohol consumption can play a significant role, in many it doesn’t.  Many fatty liver cases are […]

Birth Control Risks & Benefits
What Are the Cancer Risks of Birth Control?

Hormonal birth control, like all medicine, comes with both risks and benefits. About 140 million women use hormonal contraceptives worldwide, including about 1.5 million women in the US who rely on them for reasons besides birth control. Though modern birth control is thought to be safer than earlier forms of the pill, a new study […]

Vitamin D & Cancer Prevention
Getting Enough Sun? Vitamin D Affects Cancer Risk

Vitamin D plays several vitals role in the body, including cancer prevention. New research links vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. While this vitamin is naturally absorbed from sunlight, the following tips can help you safely maintain a healthy level. Vitamin D & Colon Cancer Risk The study published in the  Journal of […]

Exercise & Colon Cancer
How Exercise Improves Stage IV Colon Cancer Survival

In addition to being one of best things you can do for your health, exercise can help you survive cancer. According to a recent study, just 30 minutes of exercise can greatly improve survival rates for colorectal cancer patients. Physical Activity Can Improve Stage IV Survival Exercise already has a great track record for reducing cancer risk. But the Journal […]

Exercise Increases Survival
Exercising Before & After Cancer Increases Survival by 40%

Keeping up an active lifestyle is one of the best choices you can make for your health even after being diagnosed with cancer. According to a study presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Research (AACR), cancer patients who engage in some kind of physical activity before and after treatment improve their […]

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Alcohol Cancer Risks
The Cancer Risks of Alcohol

During your next night out, think twice before tossing back a cold one. Last year, the American Society of Clinical Oncology released a statement highlighting alcohol’s role in cancer. For example, just one drink a day has been shown to increase a woman’s risk of breast cancer, according to a recently released report. Alcohol is […]

Sunscreen Tips
Are You Wearing Enough Sunscreen to Protect Yourself from Cancer?

Planning a day out on the trail or lounging at the beach? Grabbing sunscreen and a hat is the best decision you can make for your health. According to the American Cancer Society, more people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the USA every year than all other cancers combined. And many of these more […]

Cancer Prevention Lifestyle
Top 5 Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Cancer Prevention

Some causes of cancer are beyond our control, but as many as 4 out of 10 cancer are preventable with the right lifestyle choices. According to a study by the American Cancer Society, 42% of cancer cases and 45% of cancer deaths in the United States are caused by risk factors you can change.   […]

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Staying Active
Getting Enough Exercise to Lower Cancer Risk

Are you meeting the daily recommended amount of exercise? A recent study by the National Cancer Institute, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, shows that regular exercise reduces the risk of at least 13 types of cancer. Meeting exercise goals that help lower your cancer risk can be easier than you think. Here are some facts […]

Night Shifts Risks
Can Working Night Shifts Increase Cancer Risk?

In the United States, about 15 million people have irregular work patterns, including night shifts, that can put them at risk for cancer. Several studies have found that disrupting your body’s natural rhythm guided by the cycles of day and night is potentially hazardous for your health in several ways. This increased risk is especially […]