

Fatty Liver Disease
Causes of Fatty Liver Disease and Preventative Strategies

Fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly pervasive in the U.S.- approximately 25% of the population is affected by the disease. Fatty liver disease occurs when fat builds up in liver cells beyond normal levels. While in some cases excessive alcohol consumption can play a significant role, in many it doesn’t.  Many fatty liver cases are […]

Genes & Breast Cancer
These Genetic Mutations Can Lead to Breast Cancer

Undetected gene mutations passed down through family can play a major role in your health. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes linked to developing certain cancers at an earlier age. According to a recent study published in JAMA, women who test positive for these genetic abnormalities may have a much higher risk of developing a combination of: […]

Probiotic Benefits
Which Probiotics Work Best for Cancer Prevention?

Trusting your gut with the right bacteria could be the key to lowering your risk for certain cancers. Your gut flora, or the helpful bacteria in your digestive tract, play an important role in keeping your body healthy. The ecosystem of bacteria, or microbiome, living in your body helps break down food and support your immune […]

Birth Control Risks & Benefits
What Are the Cancer Risks of Birth Control?

Hormonal birth control, like all medicine, comes with both risks and benefits. About 140 million women use hormonal contraceptives worldwide, including about 1.5 million women in the US who rely on them for reasons besides birth control. Though modern birth control is thought to be safer than earlier forms of the pill, a new study […]

Low Insulin Diet
Low Insulin Diets Improve Colon Cancer Survival

Eating habits are an important part of cancer prevention and studies are finding that insulin in particular may play a pivotal role. A low insulin-inducing diet may improve colon cancer patients’ chances of survival as well as help prevent their cancer from returning, according to a study recently published in the Journal of National Cancer […]

Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.
Organic Food Benefits
Do Organic Products Reduce Cancer Risk?

People who eat mostly organic products have a 25% lower cancer risk, according to a recent French study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. In particular, participants showed a lower risk for postmenopausal breast cancer and lymphomas. However, practicing an overall healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables (whether using organic or conventional products) is key […]

Avoiding Inflammatory Foods
Inflammatory Foods Promote Colorectal Cancer

Your diet is the cornerstone to reducing cancer risk linked to inflammation. Though chronic inflammation is already tied to several cancers, a Harvard study found a new link between inflammation-causing diets and colon cancer risk.    Inflammation-causing diets include a lot of meats, refined (or processed) grains, and sugary beverages. Luckily a few lifestyle changes, […]

Mediterranean Diet Tips
Which Mediterranean Diet Foods Help Prevent Cancer?

It turns out the secret behind the Mediterranean diet is not just one silver bullet ingredient. According to new research on the Mediterranean diet and colon cancer, each component provides benefits. And the more features of the diet that are eaten, the greater the health benefits. The study also found three elements in particular helped […]

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
Diets & Cancer Risk
Diets Account for 30% of Cancer: These Tips Can Help Lower Your Risk

Poor diet choices account for at least 30% of cancer, making diet second only to tobacco as a preventable cause of cancer. Luckily, switching to a plant-based (vegan/vegetarian) diet has many cancer-preventing benefits. Eating as little as 2.5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cancer. Here are […]

Prostate Cancer Risk
If Your Brother Has Prostate Cancer You May be at Risk

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer for men in the USA, and family history may provide clues to your cancer risk. A recent Swedish study found that men with a brother diagnosed with prostate cancer have twice the risk of the general population.  The researchers also determined this risk not affected by severity of the […]